Who Ate My Brownie?

There are tens of millions of adults sitting in office cubicles, leading church worship services, or coaching minor league baseball who are captured by the grasp of the hands of the clock of memories. Though we may see them functioning on the surface, inwardly, they are carrying around the weights of shame and rejection from their childhood. According to the 2019 Child Maltreatment Study found on childwelfare.gov, 74.9 percent of victims suffered neglect, 17.5 percent suffered physical abuse, and 9.3 percent suffered sexual abuse. If you have continued reading this far, please allow me to ask you a question. What child should have to go through any of these tragedies? I went through all three child violations over various years by multiple people. My “why” is personal, and I don't want my kids crying over my casket one day wondering what were the details of my story, which in part is their story. My “why” will help them see life's adversities are varied and complex, but you can still make it. My WHY is so much bigger than C. L. King; this book is written for a generation yet to be created so when they arise, they will know absolutely no obstacle can stop them and no matter the adversity, you can STILL make it.